For years, I have kept a Top 16 list of my “must read” books. I recommend these to ALL my coaching clients–always have. These are classic foundational books.

Many of you look forward to my updates just like my “what’s on the nightstand” regular blog feature.

I try to update this list every quarter or so but I must admit, I have been delinquent on this update.

Several of you have reminded me of this a few times and sent in you nominees for me to consider.

There are a few new additions to the list and few that have shifted within the list.

Let’s see if you can spot the changes.

If you think you can, post a reply/comment below on the changes you THINK you see.


Here is the revised list as of 7:49 AM :


1)     The Traveler’s Gift-Andy Andrews

2)     Day by Day With James Allen-Vic Johnson

3)     Think and Grow Rich- Napoleon Hill

4)     You2 – Price Pritchett

5)     The Secret – Rhonda Byrne

6)     Mastering the Seven Decisions – Andy Andrews

7)     You Were Born Rich -Bob Proctor

8)     Conquer Fear-Lisa Jimenez

9)     The Magic of Thinking Big – Dr. David Schwartz

10)   The ONE Thing-Gary Keller

11)   177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class -Steve Siebold

12)   Become A Better You- Joel Osteen

13)   The Slight Edge- Jeff Olson

14)   The Ultimate Gift-Jim Stovall

15)   Awake the Giant Within-Tony Robbins

16)   The Noticer Returns-Andy Andrews