Those maybe three things that hold you back, but there is more to the story !
They prevent you from going to where you always boldly go.
Boldly going where I have always gone before–Nowhere !
How many people do you know and just maybe, just maybe, even yourself, that are really busy each and every day but are going nowhere ?
How many people are busy morning to night but can’t tell you what they have been doing ?
They float around Facebook, send a few jokes to an old friend, read spam email with detail, make 3-4 to do lists, take a shower, make a few phone calls, watch the news, check the stock market and their day is gone.
They have busy all day and they think since they have been in motion all day they have taken action.
This attitude is so common, no one wants to talk about it. This is how too many people live their lives day in, day out.
This often is the life of a retiree who tells you he or she is now busier than back in days of working.
Motion isn’t action. Action has to have a purpose and direction that takes you closer to what is important to you. Action and direction is motion harnessed to a higher purpose. It is harnessed to and takes you closer to a goal or a dream.
I challenge you to challenge yourself and see if you are simply moving as you go about your day. Or, are you taking action and really devoting your strength, energy and chasing that goal, that dream, that will make you proud and make a difference in your life or the lives of others ???
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