I’m a reader.

I try to write about or talk about the power of reading whenever I can.

When I talk to book clubs, that’s easy.

At conferences involving MLM’s (multi level marketing) it’s easy too since education is a major focus.

Conferences of business owners or management at large corporations , the reception is mixed.

Students in school, well, they are a tough crowd.

In the back of my gratitude journal for years, I have kept a list of books I read that year, the month read and the author’s name.

I try to read a minimum of two books a month.

I usually read slightly more.

Reviewing this year and goal setting for next year, I have been reviewing in detail this past year.

I notice for the first time in a long time , I will not reach my minimum.

This year has been an unusual one with many twists and turns.

My reading time has been very limited at times and I do most of my reading at the beach near our cottage in Northern Michigan.

“Life” kept us away from “up North” most of the year.

Therefore reading time has been down.

I also realized I am currently reading from nine different books (I’ll tell you which ones in a future post).

I normally reading from 3-4 books sometimes 5  but nine, is a bit much.

I’m determined not to start another, until I have caught up to my normal 3-4 maybe 5 level.

While doing my year end review, I stumbled on my gratitude journals for the last 7 years.

Here are a few interesting facts that show a pretty good reading pattern of the books  I have read:

Year            Non-Fiction    Fiction

2009             25                      2

2010              13                       7

2011              19                       3

2012              24                      6

2013              16                      4

2014              21                      7

2015              15                      5


Now, tell me, are you reading ?

If you are, what ??

