Currently jumping through many hoops as tax season is in the beginning of what I call “zoo” week and coaching my private clients, I can’t help but to look ahead.

I have tons of ideas and will be starting on a new group coaching program as soon as I can.

I am also looking forward to a little slower pace for a couple weeks as I recharge.

Meanwhile, I have to admit this has been a tough week.

I lost a special friend who I once saw a bunch of, lost an old neighbor, found out a good friend is battling some major health problems, a friend’s daughter is starting her fight against a major health crisis and another friend just rushed his wife to emergency.

All of this has challenged me to keep my head where it should be.

It also has caused me to count my blessings.

Yet, all these thoughts are indeed distracting


This same week I talked to good friend who doesn’t nothing but continue to get better from a 2013 health BIG scare.

Another friend’s wife who suffered a major stroke almost 4 years ago, started to clean house,

She cleaned just a few things.

Her husband was elated !

No big deal says you ?

Tell him that.

From doing nothing but sitting inactively for 4 years to starting to be her old self ?

Big, big progress.

All of this is very confusing to me.

My faith, my God keeps me sane.

Can anyone relate to all of this ??

If you don’t get this, please for me, pass this on to someone you think can relate.

I sure could use some input.

If we open up communications, it will help several of us.

Maybe, we will make  a tad of sense out of it all !
