How many Lies Does Your Team, Falsely Live by ?

Multi-level sales teams, big corporations, church groups, school districts, non-profit volunteers all operate day by day in a cloud of lies. Lies that cripple growth. Lies that provide a deadly undercurrent. Let me tell you a story. Several years ago, a group of us...

Doing The Impossible

When was the last time you accomplished the impossible ? When was the last time you really tried ? Walt Disney was once quoted “It’s kind of fun doing the impossible” and I couldn’t agree more ! With our crazy times, crazy economy and a...

Do You Really Want 100 % Balance ?

John Maxwell recently shared this story & it really is a nice story to get you thinking. Here it is: In a university commencement address several years ago, Brian Dyson, CEO of Coca Cola Enterprises, spoke of the relation of work to one’s other commitments:...