by Doug | Aug 10, 2016 | Book Reviews, Books, Business Advice, Make A Difference, Marketing, Money, Uncategorized |
Thanks to all, for the kind words over the last book review I posted. I have been busy reviewing a ton of writing lately and even jotted down a few words myself for a new project. But, as always, the nightstand is full with more books to gobble up when I can. Here is...
by Doug | Jun 27, 2016 | Attitude, Daily Living Advice, Family, Frustrated, Inspiration, Leadership, Make A Difference, Things to Think About, Uncategorized
I just heard this on Feherty this evening-touching to this old softy- Father’s Day. My father turned 91 a couple weeks ago, and it has been almost two years since the last time he recognized his only son. Alzheimer’s has stolen him from me. … I think...
by Doug | Jan 14, 2016 | Attitude, Daily Living Advice, Family, Fears, Inspiration, Make A Difference, Things to Think About, Uncategorized
Yesterday we buried a very good friend’s kid sister. She died of a broken heart. Yes, she did and this is a real medical condition. Just before her death it was discovered she was also homeless. She didn’t ask for help. She was too proud. No one knew. She...
by Doug | Aug 26, 2015 | Attitude, Crazy Mixed Up Times, Daily Living Advice, Faith, Frustrated, Leadership, Make A Difference, Things to Think About, Uncategorized, VIP's You Should Know
What does this title mean to you ? Does it make you curious ? Does it offend you ? These were the favourite words of advice and a frequent challenge of Wes Mensing a special young golf coach. Wes touched a lot of lives. How he used “better the kingdom” may...
by Doug | Dec 31, 2014 | Daily Living Advice, Fears, Goal setting, Inspiration, Make A Difference, Starting a New Year, Things to Think About, Uncategorized |
Vic Johnson a great mentor and friend of mine, introduce me to a 10 step New Year’s Toast many years ago and it remains one of my favorites. The first 10 steps are from Vic. I have added my thoughts on “how” to accomplish each step. I’ve also added another 10 steps...
by Doug | Jan 19, 2014 | Attitude, Crazy Mixed Up Times, Fears, Make A Difference, Politics, Things to Think About, Uncategorized |
Growing up the 60’s caused us to often have “heavy” discussions about life. Back then we could disagree and yet be respectful and end a discussion as close friends not a “I hate you” attitude because your viewpoint differed from mine. I...
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